City of High Springs Farmers Market and Community Gardens
City of High Springs Farmers Market and Community Gardens
James Paul Park (the Sinkhole, Downtown)
150 N. Main Street
High Springs, Florida

Organic, Sustainable, Living Green, the City of High Springs Florida strives to provide a healthy, sustainable community.

Located in the heart of North Central Florida, surrounded by springs, rivers, lakes and forests, is the City of High Springs, population of 4, 786.The City is a travel destination for tourism, offering canoeing, camping, scuba diving, biking, antique shopping, and charming Bed and Breakfast inns.
Attracted by tourist’s dollars, local farmers began setting up roadside stands to sell their homegrown produce on vacant lots.These illegal roadside vendors were in violation of local City ordinances, which prohibited such sales.
The City of High Springs City Commissioners, the City Manager and Staff, interested town and civic leaders, local farmers and gardeners, High Springs Main Street, the Chamber of Commerce, local business owners and volunteers attended strategic planning and visioning meetings.Each contributed to resolve this issue by creating a partnership that would improve quality of life and provide more efficient and effective services to the community and its visitors.
This innovative, collaborative, effort resulted in the creation of the High Springs Farmers Market, a coalition of local, quality, fresh produce farmers and growers of organic fruits and vegetables.Developed as a Department of the City of High Springs, the City has recently chosen to contract the management of the Market with the High Springs Main Street Program, a nonprofit agency.

Contact Information

High Springs Main Street Program
P.O. Box 1868
High Springs, Florida 32655

Phone: (352) 672-5308

Website Copyright 1892-2010 City of High Springs. All Rights Reserved.
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