Downtown Ft Pierce Farmers Market
Downtown Ft Pierce Farmers' Market
PO Box 3688
Melody Lane
Ft Pierce, Florida 34945-3688
The Downtown Farmers' Market of Fort Pierce began in 1997 when the director of St Lucie County's Co-op Extension Office applied for a grant to begin a community garden. In hopes of that garden, volunteers from many sectors of the County organized a Board of Directors and formed a Florida not-for-profit, tax exempt corporation.
The grant did not materialize, but the Board of the newly organized market corporation decided to forge ahead. The market began with less than a dozen vendors and has evolved over the years to what it is today. At first, this green market was open in the months of September through May. It is now a year round market.
Residents and tourists alike gather at the market to sip their morning coffee or tea while sampling some of the many mouthwatering baked goods. It is a Saturday morning tradition. You can spend time chatting with friends (old and new); stock up on fresh produce, jams and jellies, honey products, award winning sauces and even handcrafted soaps. The seafood is outstanding! You can buy the most beautiful plants, shrubs and flowers such as, colorful orchids. If you don't have a green thumb, ask our vendors for assistance. They are very knowledgeable and willing to help.
On the first and third Saturday of each month, the Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer your questions and even test your soil. On the second and fourth Saturday volunteers from Heathcote Botanical Garden are on hand for advice and gardening information.
Contact Information
Phone: (772) 940-1145
