Earth Pets Organic Feed & Garden
Earth Pets Organic Feed & Garden
404 NW 10th Ave
Gainesville, FL 32601

Opening a new business at the height of a recession might seem crazy but Earth Pets Organic Feed & Garden is actually the upshot of our personal ambition to live well despite these lean times.

We care very much about the ethics, safety and healthfulness of the products we bring home to our pets and families; we want the best and we want it to be good for us, good for them and good for the planet. But these days it seems that, while all these great products are becoming increasingly available to us eco-minded shoppers, they are often just too pricey for those of us trying to live well on a budget.

We did a whole lot of research and realized that much of the price associated with natural, organic and eco-friendly products are related to the increasing cost of packaging, shipping and retail store overhead expenses. So we decided to open our store in a community neighborhood, buy only recycled and reused store fixtures, trim down the usual fanfare of elaborate advertising and printing costs and buy minimal-packaging products manufactured as close to us as possible to reduce shipping costs. We were amazed at how drastically these choices have reduced our monthly overhead and are delighted to discover that we can effortlessly share those savings with you, our customer.

Another great thing about our unique approach to reducing our prices is that we are also reducing our carbon footprint! It’s great to know that our little neighborhood business is providing great products for our pets, homes and gardens while being easy on the planet AND easy on the pocket!

Finally, you can have Eco-Friendly and Economical! And that’s how we came up with our slogan: Earth Pets Organic Feed & Garden. Eco-nomical Alternatives for your Pets, Home and Garden. What’s not to love?

Contact Information

Phone: 352-377-1100
Fax: (352) 377-1199
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