Weise Natural Food Shop
Weise Natural Food Shop
4343 Colonial Avenue
Jacksonville FL 32210

Shop at Natural Food Shoppe in person where you will find hundreds of natural health products to enhance your health and improve your quality of life. We carry many lines of vitamins, herbal remedies, herbal teas, bulk herbs, homeopathic medicines, and natural pet care products as well as natural, organic, and fragrance free personal care products including shampoos, flouride free toothpaste, natural deodorants, skin care products and make up.

We also carry essential oils, Rescue Remedy, and a wide selection of natural and organic health food products such as vegan and vegetarian foods, frozen meals, organic salmon and chicken, wheat free pastas and snacks as well as an assortment of natural and organic spices, cooking oils, energy bars, and sugar replacements – a variety of foods for quick and easy cooking. In addition, we have many books on natural health and healing and we also carry magnetic bracelets and necklaces.

Contact Information

Toll Free: (800) 554-6670
Phone: (904) 384-4642

2005 - 2010 Natural Food Shoppe. Jacksonville FL. All Rights Reserved.
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